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Tempo (Parker)

The tempo is adante.  It is easy to find the tempo - First, I remembered that adante means walking speed. Then I remembered that Peopl march to this song, so the answer is that tempo is adante.


About The Music

Dynamics (Jonah)

The “Star Spangled Banner” starts off a little quietly, but then gets louder very quickly and stays that way for most of the song.


Form (Parker)

The form for the song is A-A-B-C.


Meter / Time Signature (Parker)

The meter is duple.  I fgured this out because people march o the song. People march with one, two, one, two and ne, two is duple.  There you have it - the answer is duple!


Tonality (Jonah)

The tonality is in Major.

Timber / Instrumentation (Jonah)


The drums, cymbals and voice combined make the timbre of the “Star Spangled Banner”.  You don’t need all of these instruments, but you do need the voice.


My Reflections on this Music (Jonah)

I like this song because it’s cool that it was originally a poem.  Also, because it takes place in a war and I like that the poem/song was made up when the British attacked Ft McHenry and our flag was still up after all of the boom boom stuff.


I like the words in the song because it’s all about freedom.  I like the tune of the “Star Spangled Banner” because I like the way Francis Scott Key combines all the instruments to go with the voice.


I also like that they sing the song before important events and sporting events.


My Reflections on this Music (Parker)

When think about the Star Spangled Banner I think about how the country fought bravely.  I think about the fight.  I think about the little ship with Francis Scott Key on it.  I feel proud.  That is my reflection.


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