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For our project we talked to other neighbors about the song.  We asked each person 2 questions:  What do you think of when you hear The Star Spangled Banner?  and how does the song make you feel?

Keith Donnelly & Sean.

What do you think of when you hear The Star Spangled Banner?

Freedom, Patriotism


How does the song make you feel?

Proud of our country and heritage.

Steve Hinkle.

What do you think of when you hear The Star Spangled Banner?

Flag, Fireworks


How does the song make you feel?


Mary Johnson.

What do you think of when you hear The Star Spangled Banner?

Country, Patriotism


How does the song make you feel?


Jack Meadows.

What do you think of when you hear The Star Spangled Banner?

Bombs bursting


How does the song make you feel?


Scotty Johnson.

What do you think of when you hear The Star Spangled Banner?

Bombs over a Fort


How does the song make you feel?


Mauri Scheidler

What do you think of when you hear The Star Spangled Banner?

People fighting for freedom


How does the song make you feel?


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